Minor with major passion

Imagine a career where you get to write about causes and ideas you feel passionate about.

With a minor in professional and civic writing from Susquehanna, you’ll be prepared for careers in a range of professional fields, including law, education, government, library science, publishing, editing, marketing and public advocacy. This minor is a perfect complement to studies in arts administration, creative writing, communications, English, environmental studies, history, marketing, museum studies, political science and public policy.

You’ll be part of our close-knit, supportive English & Creative Writing department, taught by dedicated, award-winning faculty. Small classes mean you’ll get individual attention, mentoring and extensive opportunities to collaborate.

Get involved in causes you feel passionate about on campus and in the local area — and then learn to write about them in our professional and civic writing minor.

Inside professional & civic writing

You’ll be trained to make effective choices in your writing that respond to strategic considerations of audience and purpose.

You’ll learn to listen carefully and negotiate among diverse points of view; navigate complex ethical challenges; and cultivate the rhetorical flexibility necessary for locating and analyzing information across multiple genres and media.

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English & Creative Writing

514 University Ave.
Selinsgrove, Pa. 17870

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